Gardening Tips:
Spending hours in your garden and taking care of the plants also mentally puts you in a happier place. When you have a beautiful garden, you will feel happier. You can meditate there, read a book there, or have a heart-to-heart conversation or moon light dinner with your best friends or family. Now, there are many aspects of maintaining a proper garden at home. You need to water daily, check the scorching sun and hide some of the plants who can get burnt, and also apply natural fertilizer.
Banana Peels

Banana peels, egg shells, tea wasted acts as one of the easily available natural fertilizers.
Garden Natural Fertilizer Tip : Just soak the banana peel in water for 1 or 2 days and the water to the plants. A herbal tonic is prepared by brewing water with banana peels, egg shells and tea waste till the essence and nutrients are absorbed in the water and this tonic after getting cold can be added half cup to the plants once in or every fortnight and in return, you will enjoy some beautiful flowers :) #BeingInspiredBroadcast
Also collect vegetable wastes, rice soaked water, egg shells, banana peels in a bucket at the kitchen and use them to water the plants for its required nutrients. You can use the water soaked for rice or washing the rice during batter preparation and all vegetable and fruits waste as well. With these natural fertilizers and daily watering and enough sunlight, you will for sure get more flowers and produce in your garden 👇 Shared these garden tips on request from few people in the past. Happy Gardening! Happy Sunday’s !
